Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23rd - PegBreadBoard

I was showing a coworker the latest pics of the car wiring harness project and he used the word "breadboard" referring to my big pegboard project case. I realized I had made a PegBreadBoard! Sure enough, it lets me prototype without making permanent physical connections, just like an electronic breadboard. It has a spacing grid for mounting components, just like an electronic breadboard. I like it!

Here are some recent pics with some components mounted...

The switches are mounted in the top panel with wiring underneath, and the microcontrollers are mounted on the bottom panel, and their interconnect and power wiring (not yet installed in this pic) run underneath the bottom board. The microcontrollers are mounted on thin abs black plastic using industrial velcro, and then the abs panels are bolted to the pegboard grid. Very easily movable if my design changes. The big black cables are the USB connections for programming / logging.

The second abs mounting pad in the center section will be used for the power supply - or that is my current theory anyway.

I currently have power + I2C between the controllers and can run my prior code testing the I2C communications, so I'm back to where I was before - next step is to add code to detect all those switches, then DO something :)

The serial LCDs I ordered still haven't arrived, so I'm chasing them. I'd like to get them on the pegbreadboard for debugging output...

More soon...

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